Tuesday 24 April 2012

M.A.C Cosmetics Website

This website is bold, colorful and grabs your attention straight away. They have used a simple layout by using the images of the makeup and people modeling the makeup as there main attraction, then they have placed all there writing and links to the left side. I think this is an effective way to get peoples attention straight away as pictures are what people look at first when going to a website they are unsure about, or have never visited, they then look for links to other pages and to find out more information on the product, which is why its good they have placed it to the left as people read left to right. When you click on the links more links and information pops to the side, as shown in the right picture above, this is helpful to find a certain product that you are looking for instead of searching further. The overall website is targeting their market well, with having the bold colours and pictures, i feel this suits the brand as there make up is usually bold and colorful. 

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